Happy New Year Everyone!
I’m kicking this year off with a bang and revisiting an old favourite – essential oil lotion bars.
You may remember I shared these beauties with you last year.

Well I’ve found a way to make them even more gorgeous and extra nourishing for your skin. The secret? Blue Tansy essential oil.
So, what’s a lotion bar?
Lotion bars contain all the good things you might find in a hand or body lotion – moisturizing shea butter and skin-hydrating oils – mixed with beeswax to make it solid enough to be shaped into a bar.
To use, just hold in your hand until your body heat begins to warm up the bar, and then rub on your skin where needed. I store mine in a cute little metal canister so I can pop it in my handbag or bedside table drawer.

Essential oils come together with the other ingredients to create a deeply moisturizing lotion bar. These lotion bars are best for areas that require heavy moisturization such as heels, elbows and dry winter skin. They can leave a heavy residue on the skin and I find it best to use mine just before bed so I don’t have slimy hands during the day.
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Let’s talk about Blue Tansy essential oil.
As the name suggests Blue Tansy essential oil is blue. I mean REALLY blue. If you’ve never seen it before think navy blue.
Rubbing it neat on your skin has you looking like a smurf in seconds. What’s funny about it is that it actually comes from a yellow flower.
Blue Tansy, also known as Moroccan Tansy or Moroccan Chamomile, hails from the Mediterranean coast of northern Morocco. When its yellow flower is steam distilled, the resulting essential oil is a rich indigo colour due to the presence of an aromatic chemical compound called Chamazulene (also responsible for the blue hue of Chamomile, Wormwood and Yarrow essential oils).
Chamazulene, along with Blue Tansy’s main chemical component, Sabinene, is incredibly beneficial to the skin. As a result, Blue Tansy essential oil can help reduce the appearance of blemishes, as well as soothe and hydrate your skin.
Blue Tansy essential oil’s outstanding skincare benefits have not gone unnoticed in the beauty industry. Even the likes of Vogue have published articles about its efficacy.
This is the reason why I thought my next batch of essential oil lotion bars needed a touch of blue. The gorgeous colour that resulted was just a bonus really.
About My Recipe
My recipe calls for 40 drops of essential oil, but that is A LOT of Blue Tansy essential oil and we all know that stuff is not cheap! I recommend blending your Blue Tansy with other essential oils that benefit the skin or create a beautiful uplifting scent.
Here are some suggestions:
– Blue Tansy (20), Litsea* (10), Geranium (10) (this is the blend I used in the lotion bars pictured in this blog)
– Blue Tansy (15), Lavender (15), Cedarwood (10)
– Blue Tansy (16), Copaiba (12), Lavender (9), Frankincense (6)
– Blue Tansy (20), Litsea* (10), Ylang Ylang (5), Patchouli (5)
*Litsea essential oil is also known as May Chang essential oil.
I’ve also added rosehip oil to my lotion bars as this is another oil will greatly benefit your skin. I purchase mine from the beauty aisle of my local supermarket.
Blue Tansy Essential Oil Lotion Bars
What you need
- 25g Shea Butter
- 20g Beeswax Pellets
- 35g Refined Coconut Oil (has a reduced coconut smell)
- 40 drops Essential Oil (see ‘About My Recipe’ note)
- 40 drops Rosehip Oil (optional)
- 4 Silicone Moulds (approx 2in/5cm wide)
Add the beeswax, coconut oil and shea butter to a glass jar or jug and set in a small saucepan full of water, or a microwave (NB once a jar or jug has been used to make lotion bars it should never again be used to prepare or hold food). Melt slowly over low heat.
Once it has melted, set aside to cool for two to three minutes before adding the essential oils and Rosehip oil. Stir well and pour into mould.

To ensure your lotion bars are identical, use a kitchen scale to weigh out equal amounts of liquid into each mould section.
Allow to cool at room temperature (takes 20 – 30 minutes) then remove from mould. Set aside to set for a further 24 hours.
Makes approx 4 lotion bars (depending on the moulds used).
Cleaning Up
As soon as you have poured your bars into their moulds, wipe the remainder of the mixture out of your jug with a paper towel.
Do not pour any excess down the sink or put a jug covered in a large amount of residue in the dishwasher as it may clog your pipes. Once you have wiped your jug clean, bin the paper towels and put the jug in the dishwasher for a final clean.
A quiet corner of the garden is also a good idea if you have a large amount left-over.

Directions for Use
Warm up your lotion bar in your hand and then rub on elbows, heels, blemishes, and any other areas of dry skin.
When not in use, store your lotion bar in a glass jar or metal canister, or wrap it in grease-proof paper, to prevent the oils and butters soaking into surrounding surfaces.