My dream is to turn The Dancing Soap Dish into a valuable resource library for melt and pour soapmakers.
As a starting point, I’m creating this post to showcase a range of Easter melt and pour soap projects.

I’ll update it annually, adding new projects and trends year on year, so make sure you bookmark it so you can refer to it when you need some fresh Easter inspiration.
Popular Easter Soap Ideas
What makes an Easter soap an Easter soap?
Here is a list of trending themes common to Easter soap projects:
Eggs, Chicks and Rabbits – Yes I know it goes without saying, but Easter eggs, baby chicks, and Easter bunnies are the classic Easter icons.
Pastel Colours – Springtime and Easter are synonymous with beautiful shades of pastel colours.
Spring Flowers – Gorgeous spring bulbs, such as tulips and daffodils, are also popular Easter choices.

Current Easter Melt and Pour Soap Projects
Here are my Easter melt and pour soap projects for 2023.
Easter Cookie Cutter Soap Bars
Have you ever noticed that cookie cutters abound at Easter time?
Easter cookies are a great treat, I’ll admit, but I love to turn all of those bunny, chick, egg, and flower cookie cutters into beautiful Easter soaps – just like these.

With a small tweak my cookie cutters became soap moulds, and I also used the exciting new paint pouring tool technique to decorate them in gorgeous Easter pastel colours.
Check out the Easter Cookie Cutter Soap Tutorial on our YouTube channel for all the details.

Cookie Stamp Easter Soap Bars
What was that I said about Easter and cookies?
I just couldn’t pass up these gorgeous Easter cookie stamps from and they made the cutest ever soap bars!

I used the cookie stamps and paper cups to make DIY soap moulds.
Plus I loved the colours of the cookie stamps so much I matched them with micas I mixed myself to make soaps the same colours as the stamps.
I think they turned out quite well, but don’t take my word for it, check out my Cookie Stamp Easter Soap video tutorial and decide for yourself!

Rainbow Easter Egg Soap Bars
When I spotted an Easter egg resin keychain mould, I grabbed it.
I used to be jealous of all the cool silicone moulds available for resin crafts, until I learned how to alter resin moulds to make soap.
Now no idea is off limits.

My Rainbow Easter Egg Soap Bars tutorial showcases multiple melt and pour soap techniques including the sponged mica technique and altering a resin mould for soap.
The results are stunning.
You can also check out the accompanying video tutorial on YouTube.

Other Popular Easter Soap Projects
These Easter soap projects have been super popular over the previous few years and still provide a valid source of inspiration.
They are a valuable addition to this resource library.
Easter Soap Tutorial
These bunny rabbit soap bars are a simple Easter melt and pour soap project suitable for kids and beginners alike.

This basic Easter soap tutorial showcases Easter colours and yummy essential oil soap scents to try with your soap making projects.

Want more?
Take a look at other Easter projects available on The Dancing Soap Dish.